Saturday 25 September 2021


 I decided to revamp my seascape. So I pushed the boat out and used 100Kr / 15 Euro on it. Plus time.

The base is a flamingo/styrene insulation block. This is NOT the pricey type but I coated it with a mix of emulsion, acrylic and PVA glue coloured with ochre. 

I first cut the basic shapes. Then I used a coarse rasp to round them. Then I used rough sandpaper to get the final shape before painting. THIS IS MESSY. KEEP VACUUM CLEANER CLOSE!

The flock I used was made by using a coffee grinder on sawdust I had coloured with acrylic paint. The result was sieved with different sieves to produce different size texture fractions. It was sprinkled onto wet painted areas. When fixed in place i painted it again with a dilute PVA solution. 

The vegetation is lousy old foam from a dead chair cut with scissors and additionally shredded in a coffee grinder (out of commission for kitchen use!). The foam was coloured with a mix of PVA and acrylic paint, It becomes harder when impregnated with dried paint.

I tried putting pins on trees as trunks but at 2mm scale this is not worth the trouble. The bushes and trees are glued directly to the ground with PVA.

The buildings are Hotz Roman Seas printed to 2mm scale. A little tricky to assemble but no big problem. They are then glued to a base then painted with PVA as a varnish and toughener.

The bays are real sand finely sieved glued onto acetate.

Quays and moles and towers are fine flamingo from chocolate box If I remember right. Could be card etc.

Add sea and ships to taste.